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Writer's pictureBen Halliwell

Reminder of the AGM (18th April) and items for the Agenda

Hi everyone, the Annual General Meeting for the Club will be on the 18th of April. If you have any items for the agenda of the meeting can you please send them to

Also, we'll be looking for people to be on “the Committee” - the shadowy group of people that stabs microchips into people's arms to mind control them into getting things done at Auckland Sword and Shield.

In reality, the Committee is just the group of Club members that works together to facilitate all the activities in Auckland Sword and Shield.

People who want to be on the Committee stand for election at the AGM.

Being on the Committee involves, basically, ensuring that:

  • Decisions are made

  • Stuff is being organised

  • People get told what decisions have been made and what stuff is being organised

  • Money gets collected and spent

  • Rules are made and followed

  • Anything else that’s required

The Committee usually meets once a month or less, to discuss what needs to happen.

If you’re on the Committee you basically get to decide a whole bunch of fun stuff like “should we buy some new stuff?” and “what sort of things should we do at the tournament?”

Auckland Sword and Shield needs people to put aside some time to run the Club. It’s not good if it’s always the same people. But it needs people who can commit and follow through. If you’re asking “should I volunteer to be on the Committee?” then the answer is YES but also ask yourself the following:

  1. Do you turn up to training?

  2. Can you put aside the time to meet for a couple of hours a month?

  3. Are you capable of responding to emails or messenger?

  4. If you say you can do something, can you then go ahead and do it?

  5. If you need help, can you ask for it?

If you’ve answered yes to all these then you’d probably be a great Committee member.

According to the constitution the Committee has to have four roles: the President, Secretary, Treasurer and Chief Instructor.

The President

The President's job is to set out some ideas and then try to ensure things are getting done. Sometimes it’s to promote and be enthusiastic. Sometimes it’s to have a stern conversation with someone who is out of line. It involves:

  • Having an idea of some things that should happen

  • Encouraging other people to have ideas too

  • Getting people together to organise things

  • Ensuring people are doing what they said they’d do

  • Turning up to things

Basically ensuring the rules are being followed, that people are generally happy and no one is literally killing anyone else.

The Secretary

The Secretary's job is to let people know what’s happening and to answer questions. They also keep and update the list of members so they know who they need to send stuff too. Specifically, this involves:

  • Processing new memberships and keeping a list of members

  • Sending out regular information on the website, email and Facebook

  • Answering inquiries through the website, email or Facebook

  • Sometimes taking minutes of meetings

The Treasurer

The Treasurer's job is to keep an eye on the money and say how much money the Club has to spend. They also make sure people pay fees and that the Club pays bills. This involves:

  • Logging into the Clubs online banking

  • Reporting on the state of finances at meetings

  • Reminding people to pay fees

  • Ensuring bills are paid

If you're a member of the Club please do consider standing for one of these roles.

There is also the Chief Instructor who is responsible for organising training. However, this position is elected by the instructors and isn't a position elected at an AGM.

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